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A Moving Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Multi Tiered System of Supports builds a system of prevention, early intervention, and support to ensure that all students are learning from the instruction. It establishes a system that

intentionally focuses on leadership, professional development, and an empowering culture.


MTSS incorporates a continuum of assessment, curriculum, and instruction. This systemic approach supports both struggling and advanced learners through the selection and implementation of increasingly intense evidence-based interventions in response to both academic and behavioral needs.


Below is a series of videos created by Lisa Stark to demonstrate how each piece might look and sound like at your school sites. 



So how do we get that? It begins with the leadership. Leadership is not only having a plan, but knowing who your key players are and providing the space and time to make this happen.

Data walls are an integral part of academies.  They help us see what the needs of our students are and how best to organize the academy mixing and planning of targeted instruction to support the lowest skill deficit. 

Data Walls


Small Group


Having strong routines and procedures will support you in having a seamless academy block.  How will the students know where to go or what to do? How will instruction be differentiated from group to group, class to class? 

Progress Monitoring

How will I know that I am investing my time efficiently and getting the most in positive outcome?  Progress monitoring ensures I am on the right course or helps me identify that I need to change my instructional trajectory. 
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